PVC / Polyvinyl Chloride

Known for its outstanding durability and cost-effectiveness, Americolene® PVC is extensively used in construction, electrical, and medical applications, offering a wide range of benefits.

View Our PVC Grades

Right Click to Download Data SheetK ValueInherent ViscocityRelative ViscosityMain Transformation Process2Main ApplicationDownload the Data Sheet
Americolene ® APVC6621650.912.25EPipe, siding, window lineas, and other rigid extrusion applicationsDATA SHEET

Additive Nomenclature : AO – Antioxidant – Antioxidante LTHA – Long Term Heating Aging Stabilization AS – Antistatic Agen LWCO – Low Water Carry-Over Package SL – Slip Agent AB – Antiblock Agent MR – Mold Realese C – Clarifying Agent N – Nucleating Agent UV – UV Stabilizer CR – Controled rheology Process Nomenclature for Plastic Transformation Extrusion : ET – Extrusion Thermoforming EBM – Extrusion Blow Molding SheE – Sheet Extrusion MonE – Monofilament Extrusion RafE – Raffia Extrusion BioFE – Bioriented Film Extrusion BFE – Blown Film Extrusion CFE – Cast Film Extrusion TWQFE – Tubular water quenching film extrusion ECo – Extrusion Couting ComE – Compounds Extrusion IM – Injection Molding

PVC Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets ensure workers handling and working with our product have all the safety knowledge required and emergency personnel responding to an incident have access to accurate product information.

PS / Polysterene

With its excellent insulation properties and lightweight nature, Americolene® PS is commonly used in the production of disposable cutlery, packaging, and insulation materials.

View Our PS Grades

Right Click to Download Data SheetMII2 190C/2.16Kg g10/minFkexural Modulus PSIVecant Temp D1525CMain Transformation Process2IzodDownload the Data Sheet
Americolene ® PS330-HI41040ET2.3DATA SHEET
Americolene ® PS325-HI81040IM2DATA SHEET
Americolene ® PS155-GPE71050EDATA SHEET
Americolene ® PS125-GPI91050IMDATA SHEET
Americolene ® PS100-GPI141050IMDATA SHEET

Additive Nomenclature : AO – Antioxidant – Antioxidante LTHA – Long Term Heating Aging Stabilization AS – Antistatic Agen LWCO – Low Water Carry-Over Package SL – Slip Agent AB – Antiblock Agent MR – Mold Realese C – Clarifying Agent N – Nucleating Agent UV – UV Stabilizer CR – Controled rheology Process Nomenclature for Plastic Transformation Extrusion : ET – Extrusion Thermoforming EBM – Extrusion Blow Molding SheE – Sheet Extrusion MonE – Monofilament Extrusion RafE – Raffia Extrusion BioFE – Bioriented Film Extrusion BFE – Blown Film Extrusion CFE – Cast Film Extrusion TWQFE – Tubular water quenching film extrusion ECo – Extrusion Couting ComE – Compounds Extrusion IM – Injection Molding

PS Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets ensure workers handling and working with our product have all the safety knowledge required and emergency personnel responding to an incident have access to accurate product information.

PET / Polyetelene Terephthalate

Americolene® PET is a popular choice for beverage bottles and food containers, appreciated for its transparency, recyclability, and strength.

View Our PET Grades

Right Click to Download Data SheetMII2 190C/2.16Kg g10/minI.V.CristalinityMain ApplicationDownload the Data Sheet
Americolene ® BC210-APT0.80 ± 0.020.80 ± 0.02≤60Water Bottle-grade Polyester ChipDATA SHEET
Americolene ® BC112-APT0.84 ± 0.020.84 ± 0.02≤60Cabonated Bottle-grade Polyester ChipDATA SHEET
Americolene ® PCG84-APT0.84 ± 0.020.84 ± 0.02≤60Fast Reheated Carbonated Bottle-gradeDATA SHEET

Additive Nomenclature : AO – Antioxidant – Antioxidante LTHA – Long Term Heating Aging Stabilization AS – Antistatic Agen LWCO – Low Water Carry-Over Package SL – Slip Agent AB – Antiblock Agent MR – Mold Realese C – Clarifying Agent N – Nucleating Agent UV – UV Stabilizer CR – Controled rheology Process Nomenclature for Plastic Transformation Extrusion : ET – Extrusion Thermoforming EBM – Extrusion Blow Molding SheE – Sheet Extrusion MonE – Monofilament Extrusion RafE – Raffia Extrusion BioFE – Bioriented Film Extrusion BFE – Blown Film Extrusion CFE – Cast Film Extrusion TWQFE – Tubular water quenching film extrusion ECo – Extrusion Couting ComE – Compounds Extrusion IM – Injection Molding

PET Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets ensure workers handling and working with our product have all the safety knowledge required and emergency personnel responding to an incident have access to accurate product information.

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